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Blu-ray Sales Booming In Australia

According to JB Hi Fi management Blu ray Movie sales are booming with consumers also buying 3D content during the Xmas New Year period. Now questions are being asked as to whether Blu ray sales will be hit by the launch this year of new…

Some interesting Australian Blu-ray statistics

More than 5 per cent of Australian households have a Blu-ray player.Just under 1 million copies of Blu-ray movies have been sold in Australia to dateSales of Blu-ray players in Australia spiked from 3000 in August and September last year to…

Blu-ray Statistics

Here are some interesting Blu-ray Statistics that came out of the Blu-ray Disc Association Press Conference held at CES.In roughly two-and-a-half years on the market, Blu-ray has sold over 10.7 million players in the United States market.…